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30 Mar 2022

Our commitment to 1% for the Planet

Hanabi is proud to share that we are now a member of 1% for the Planet. This means that we're committed to giving 1% of all sales back to the Planet every year.

When we started Hanabi, we wanted to help businesses and entrepreneurs prosper through eCommerce but we also have a strong belief to operate as sustainably as possible, doing good and making a commitment to taking care of our planet.

In February, we became members of 1% for the Planet.

What is 1% for the Planet?

1% for the Planet is a global network of like-minded businesses, individuals and non-profit organisations committed to protecting and giving back to our Planet. The organisation connects businesses and individuals with their approved environmental non-profits, creating high-impact partnerships that amplify the impact of members' giving.

It all started when Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies met and bonded over their shared love for the outdoors. Realising their responsibility to protect our planet, they decided to give 1% of their sales back to the environment — whether or not they were profitable.

And in 2002, they created 1% for the Planet and started this global movement.

"The intent of 1% for the Planet is to help fund diverse environmental organisations so that collectively they can be more powerful in solving the world's problems." - Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia and co-founder of 1% for the Planet.

Since its inception, 1% for the Planet has certified more than $250 million to support approved environmental non-profits with their simple, effective, and accessible model.

As members of 1% for the Planet, we pledge to give 1% of our revenue to approved non-profit organisations that are focussed on the environment.

We are currently in the process of choosing our non-profit partners and we will provide more details about these partnerships in the coming months.

Join 1% for the Planet

There are now 5,000+ members in over 45 countries coming together to protect our Planet's future. You can join as a business or as an individual where you can donate 1% of your salary.

Why not join them in their mission to accelerate smart environmental giving? Join 1% for the Planet now.

Our other commitments to the planet

In addition to our pledge with 1% for the Planet, we also support Ecologi – a social enter­prise from Bris­tol – pas­sion­ate about cli­mate action, tree plant­i­ng (part­ner­ing with The Eden Refor­esta­tion Projects) and car­bon off­set projects in places like Mada­gas­car, Guatemala and Uganda.

We became a founding business with Ecologi and over the last 31 months, we have planted 2,440 trees.

Find out more about Sustainability at Hanabi and our commitments to reducing our impact on the environment.

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