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Home > Sustainability


Hanabi is on a journey to become a low carbon business, through our commitment to delivering sustainable web design and offsetting our carbon footprint.

Sustainable Web Design

Hanabi is committed to delivering sustainable web design projects.

We do this by ensuring that every new website that we launch is as lightweight as possible and focused on performance & energy efficiency.

Creating fast websites improves the user experience of the website, ensuring that the user completes a task quicker (such as; purchasing a product, buying a ticket, finding information) and therefore reduces the data download requirements and the amount of energy consumption required from the user's device to access the website.

The website technologies and platforms that may be used to deliver websites, such as Shopify, Craft CMS, Magento and WordPress will often require updates to ensure that they continue to be efficient and secure.

Ensuring those content management systems such as Craft CMS, Magento and WordPress are regularly updated is the best way to take advantage of the latest software available to improve the efficiency and security of your website. At Hanabi, we provide our clients with options for ongoing support to handle the software updates, so that our clients can focus on their business.

The Shopify solution is maintained by Shopify directly to ensure that the platform continues to work efficiently and also works with Shopify Partners like us to provide updates of such changes.

  1. Find out more about Sustainable Web Design
  2. See how much carbon your website is using with the Website Carbon Calculator and see how much carbon our website is using

Switch to Green Web Hosting

The World Wide Web consumes a lot of energy to deliver websites through its infrastructure of data centres and networks. Some of these data centres consume more energy and are more polluting than others, depending on their scale and the type of energy used to power these data centres.

Just like any other business, web hosting providers have a number of environmental impacts to consider as part of their business operations, such as logistics and electronic waste.

Many web hosting providers are also making commitments to reduce the impact on the climate as part of their environmental and social responsibilities. These companies are also making it easier to see what their approach to sustainability is, through making use of greener and renewable energy solutions and energy efficiency.

Here's a shortlist of some of the platform and hosting providers that Hanabi recommends during our projects which also provide details about their sustainability commitments;

Reducing Our Carbon Footprint

When we started Hanabi, we knew that we also wanted to do good – by supporting charities and social enterprise when we can. Starting any new business is always a challenge but we made a start to this commitment by becoming a founding business with Ecologi.

Ecologi is a social enterprise from Bristol – passionate about climate action and they invest money into tree planting (partnering with The Eden Reforestation Projects) and carbon offset projects in places like Madagascar, Guatemala and Uganda.

Ecologi is also now increasing impact by funding a new reforestation project in Scotland, helping to plant a deciduous forest, approved by Scottish Natural Heritage.

Along with many other businesses and individuals around the world, we're supporting this project by planting trees to offset our carbon footprint through the Climate Positive Workforce scheme to offset our carbon footprint.

Through our commitment to delivering sustainable web design and development, we will also plant 50 trees for every new website that we launch to support the rewilding of our planet.

To date (01 December 2021), Hanabi has planted 1,588 trees and offset 39.1 tonnes of CO2e.

  1. See our Ecologi profile
  2. Learn more about Ecologi
  3. Start your climate action journey with Ecologi – use this link and Ecologi will add 50 trees to your new forest and 50 trees to ours

There’s much more to do, but Hanabi is committed to doing our part for climate change.

We give to the environment

One Percent for the Planet is an international organisation whose members contribute at least one percent of their annual sales to environmental causes.



A social enter­prise from Bris­tol – pas­sion­ate about cli­mate action, tree plant­i­ng (part­ner­ing with The Eden Refor­esta­tion Projects) and car­bon off­set projects in places like Mada­gas­car, Guatemala and Uganda.

1% for the Planet

1% for the Planet is a global network of like-minded businesses, individuals and non-profit organisations committed to protecting and giving back to our Planet.


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