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Absolute Collagen

Digital Strategy and eCommerce Consulting

Ongoing Success for an award-winning collagen supplement provider

Absolute Col­la­gen is on a mis­sion to empow­er cus­tomers — aka Absoluters — to feel their absolute best, using prod­ucts where col­la­gen is the hero ingre­di­ent, start­ing with the UK’s most con­cen­trat­ed col­la­gen sup­ple­ment in a handy, ready to take 10ml sachet.

Start­ed by the founder and CEO Max­ine Lace­by, Absolute Col­la­gen is endorsed by pro­fes­sion­al der­ma­tol­o­gists and tri­chol­o­gists. In 2019 the busi­ness was award­ed one of the most acclaimed beau­ty awards in the indus­try, Best New Beau­ty Sup­ple­ment – Mass & Pres­tige at the CEW Awards.

Han­abi will be work­ing with Absolute Col­la­gen through our Ongo­ing Suc­cess retain­er, work­ing as an exten­sion of their team – pro­vid­ing Dig­i­tal Strat­e­gy and eCom­merce Con­sult­ing, sup­port­ing inter­na­tion­al­i­sa­tion, sup­port­ing and lead­ing tech­ni­cal inte­gra­tions with Shopi­fy Plus & focussing on UX and tech­nol­o­gy for growth and scale.

Our com­pre­hen­sive approach along­side our cre­ativ­i­ty and tech­ni­cal exper­tise makes us a valu­able part­ner and not just anoth­er dig­i­tal agency. We are sole­ly ded­i­cat­ed to cre­at­ing a long-term pos­i­tive impact for our clients.


Services that we provide to Absolute Collagen.

  • Shopify Plus
  • Shopify Payments
  • Recharge
  • Churnbuster
  • PayPal
  • Klaviyo
  • Rewind
  • Stamped
  • Veeqo
  • Byrd
Absolute Collagen Product Range
Absolute Collagen Product Range
Absolute Collagen Founder – Maxine Laceby, pictured with Absoluters
Absolute Collagen Founder – Maxine Laceby, pictured with Absoluters
”Han­abi pro­vides true exper­tise with high­ly spe­cialised strate­gic coun­sel. The knowl­edge and insight pro­vid­ed is invalu­able to our busi­ness going for­wards as we con­tin­ue to expand and scale. We’re very excit­ed about the jour­ney ahead!”

Lauren Reilly
Head of E-Commerce, Absolute Collagen

In the news

01 Sep 2021

Absolute Collagen appoints Hanabi as their eCommerce Consulting Agency

We are thrilled to announce our newest partnership with the UK’s leading and award-winning collagen supplement provider, Absolute Collagen.

Client press

01 July 2022

Absolute Collagen ranked 4th in The Sunday Times list of the 100 fastest growing companies in 2022.

16 May 2022

Appearing in Vogue France in an article about collagen supplements.

03 May 2022

Darcy Laceby – Cofounder, Absolute Collagen appears in Forbes 30 Under 30 list for Europe – Retail & Ecommerce (2022).

24 Apr 2022

Top industry experts separate fact from fiction regarding Hair Myths.

20 Apr 2022

Absolute Collagen's Thickening Shampoo and Conditioner are Highly Commended in the Marie Claire Hair Awards, respectively for Best Volumising Shampoo and Best Volumising Conditioner.

04 Apr 2022

Absolute Collagen, whose new shampoo and conditioner duo is proven to thicken hair by up to 20%.

03 Dec 2021

Maxine Laceby, Founder of Absolute Collagen is a two-time Silver Award Winner in the Business Woman of the Year – Small and Influential Business Woman of the Year categories.

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