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21 Jan 2022
Digital Marketing

Gardening for Kids Appoints Hanabi for Digital Marketing Services

We are proud to announce that we have been appointed by the UK's well-known household brand Gardening for Kids as their digital agency to scale their online business and help them in their mission to inspire and encourage kids to play, learn and grow through gardening.

Gardening for Kids is a brand that resonates with us as a business. They are on the ambitious path to grow their business sustainably. We have been delivering full digital marketing - SEO, Paid Media, Technical, and overall performance optimisation services for Gardening for Kids since October 2021.

We'll be developing and executing a robust digital marketing strategy to boost their sales and brand awareness and get people excited about the fantastic products Gardening for Kids has to offer.

Gardening for Kids, a family-owned company, is on the mission to inspire the next generation of gardeners! From educating children about the wonderful world of gardening to encouraging them to care for the world they live in, you'll find everything educational, fun and even unusual for children's gardening products with a wealth of information.

Sarah Edgeworth, Gardening for Kids, Director, says:

"We have been work­ing with Han­abi since Octo­ber, and have been delight­ed with their work so far. Neil and Deepi­ka have been the per­fect part­ners in help­ing Gar­den­ing for Kids to grow and improve our online offer­ing. They have gone above and beyond with their kind­ness and exper­tise, exceed­ing our expec­ta­tions by far.

They have fun­da­men­tal­ly under­stood the nature of our busi­ness and have pro­vid­ed real­is­tic expec­ta­tions, bud­gets, and tasks through­out the whole process. They have been agree­able with all our sug­ges­tions. We real­ly look for­ward to work­ing with them for the fore­see­able future — we don't think we could have cho­sen a bet­ter part­ner to sup­port us with the next step of our business."

Neil Bradley, Hanabi's Director and Founder, says:

Gardening for Kids is an excellent example of a family-owned business that has a real passion for what they do and was started with a mission to inspire young people through an understanding of nature.

The past two years have been a challenge for everyone, particularly children. When parents also became teachers and had to find new, creative ways to support their child's learning – Gardening for Kids provided parents and their kids with products to do just that.

Gardening for Kids also partners with schools and charities – adding credibility and trust to what they do.

We are grateful for the opportunity and know great things will come from this partnership.

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